Friday, May 27, 2011

Piper was having a blast watching Lucy...  :)  Thankfully I thought to grab the camera so I could catch a little of the end of it.

So ... it's been a while huh?

I have got to be one of THE most forgetful non-commited to my blog people ever... that or I am a Mommy and full time student.  I will opt for a mixture of both though.  I am super jealous of one of my friends who jus started her own blog.  She is so neat and creative it makes me drool.  I was simply not selected as one of the chosen ones with the ability to write.  I do good to write in my journal at night.  And even then it has a severe lack of creativity.

My last post Piper was (I think) 6 weeks old... She is noe 7 1/2 MONTHS!  I cannot believe how fast it all goes.  After viewing a video of someone I know's little boy just starting to talk I felt a sudden pull at my heart knowing that Piper is WAY past that stage now and the next thing I know I will be trying to get her to stop talking during church or tugging at my pant leg while I am on the phone.  I live each day to try and cherish these days.  Because really, these are the days.  These precious moments I witness each day are like gold, I never want to give them up or forget them.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Coin-Operated Mom/Wife/Student

Do you ever feel like you are here simply to do the tasks at hand?  Like you are wondering through life task by task and once those "tasks" are completed, such as feeding the baby, cooking supper for your husband, doing your home work...  You are of no use?  I know I know... those are VERY useful things, but if you take those things you do for others, what is left?  I feel like sometime without Jared or Piper, there really is no use for me.  Really, what is left.  Take away the diapers and feedings and coos and cuddle time and there is just Jared.  Take away all I do for him and there is nothing left.  My school falls into both of them because I am getting my education to help put food on the table for them and myself.

DO NOT get me wrong, I love them two with all my heart and soul and would gladly give my life for them any day.  But I feel like I am not doing enough to just be me.  I am defined as a Daughter, Sister, Student, Wife, and Mother.  Some people may call me other things but we won't go into those at this point. I feel somewhat coin-operated , like a machine put here to complete these roles.  I live each day to fulfill these titles and never do I try to get my own self established title.  Every title I have is dependent on someone else in my life.  I want to be something completely established by me, and something non dependent on another human being.

Trying to figure out WHAT is the problem.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Friday blues...

So I went shopping this past Friday, also known as BLACK FRIDAY...  Wanted to make it to the door buster deals, but with breastfeeding you have to plan ahead.  I failed to get any bottles pumped for Piper until the night before so I had to stay at the house long enough to get another bottle the morning of.  I got to the mall about 9:30 and it was INSANE!  There was a HUGE line just to get in Old Navy, so no clothes for Piper... I missed the free tote in Bath & Body Works by about 45 min they said.  American Eagle was also a bust because the line wrapped around the store what seemed like 4 dozen times.  (More like twice but still)  I did however get MOST of my shopping done.  Both me and Jareds Moms are done, his dad, our sisters, and my dirty santa gifts are all bought.  Tomorrow I have to go back to the Dr for my 6 week checkup (I cannot believe it has already been 6 weeks!) so I will finish my shopping or at least try to then.

Well, Piper is starting to wake up so now I need to wrap this up and see to her.  Then I have a TON of homework that needs my attention in a very bad way.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

So you can know me...

I would try and tell you all about my life up to this point but I am going to try and NOT bore you to death in hopes that you will continue to read.  I grew up in the country and still live here.  I graduated from high school and now attend WKU (Western Kentucky University) for Nursing (yaaay).  I met the man I would someday marry, James Jared Clark, back in September 2006.  One of my buddies called me and said she had someone I needed to meet and we have been together  ever since that night.  We married August 30th 2008.  The plan was to finish school and then MAYBE think about having kiddos of our own.  Well that was the plan anyway.

The first thing that told me I was knocked up was the fact that my boobs were SO sore!  And HUGE!  I decided to buy and take a test February 23rd 2010.  I had school that night so I Went to campus to wait for class to start.  It was Math and we had a test.  I was sure I wasn't pregnant so I was going to just take the silly little pee test before I went in to take my math exam...  One of my husbands and my friends was by campus at the new sushi bar and they called to invite me to drink some hot saki with them.  I wanted to so bad and Megan never knew me to turn down a drink so she knew something was up when I said I could not try the Saki with her.  I left and went to the bathroom by my class, pee'd on the stick and set is on the toilet paper dispenser thingy.  I stood up to pull up my pants and OMG... There were 2 lines.  My life was forever changed.

That night I stuck the test in my math folder and drove home to my sweet totally oblivious husband.  I gave him my math folder when I got there and told him to look inside to see what I had gotten on my "test".  HE DIDN"T GET!  I had to point it out to him and everything.  He did not take it well.  He stayed silent that night and got drunk the next night and snapped at our neighbors.  LOL.  It took a few weeks but it finally sank in that he was going to be a parent in a few months.

I had a pretty uneventful pregnancy  until I reached 29 weeks.  I went into early labor and had to stay in the hospital for about a week and then we spent a week with my in-laws, and was put on strict bed rest until 36 weeks.  I was never sick, my only complaint about the whole thing was I had serious heartburn from time to time.  We prepared our selves for a preemie baby because my Dr did not think I was going to make it to 36 weeks.  Well 36 came, then 37 and 38 and then my Dr offered to let me induce labor at 39 weeks.  :)  I was nervous about inducing at first but SO glad I did it now.

Before going to the hospital for our induction

We went to the hospital Friday October 15th at 5:30 a.m.  to start our baby hatchin process.  They started me on the pitocin and said it would probably take a while.  From 6 a.m. to 12:38 I had only dilated 1 cm, putting me at  a whopping 4 cm.  I wasn't in any pain and wasn't really doing much of anything along the lines of labor.

Right before the Dr broke my water... just chillin

My Dr went ahead and broke my water at 12:38p.m. and WOW that started it!  I progressed from 4cm to FULLY DILATED in 2 contractions!  I had been saying I didn't want anything for pain until this point.  I then told the nurse I was ready for some Demerol.  She drew up my shot but I felt the need to push by the time she got back with it.  When she checked me before giving me the shot she said I was "complete" and there was no time for the shot because it would just make the baby sleepy.  They were by no means ready for me to start pushing.  The nurse got everyone in there to set up and called the Dr back.  After 21 minutes of pain and 2 1/2 pushes my beautiful baby girl, Piper Lynn, was here.  She was absolutely perfect in every single way.  I know people say this all the time about their babies but really mine is!

Piper Lynn... 10/15/2010 12:59 p.m. 6lbs 7 oz, 18 inches

I had the storybook pregnancy and now I had the storybook birth to go along with it.  And the little princess at the heart of the stories is an amazing baby as well.  She is now 6 weeks and one day old and is just as perfect as ever.  :)